Manar (uit Syrië) vertelt

Hello! I'm Manar, from Syria and I'm 19 years old. When I came to the Netherlands it was a new country for me so I started to join the activities that are being organized by Dutch people. Last Friday I joined an activity with Lara. She is very nice and she organized this activity for us to meet Dutch people at cafe 'De Jonge Dame' in Ede. Practicing 'Nederlands' and getting to know eachother was the goal of the afternoon.
Lara came to pick us up and together with a group of 12 people we walked to the centre. At 'De Jonge Dame', we met people from Ede who had come to spend the afternoon with us. We had a cup of coffee and started playing boardgames. The first game I played was a card game called 'Dobble', which I really liked. This game was a big success and it helped me to learn new Dutch words. We laughed a lot and then we decided to try another game, called 'Set'. 'Set' requires a lot of thinking, you have to find different 'sets' of cards, but there are so many differences! All in all we had a great time again, it was nice to be there and to meet all these kind people. I hope they liked it as much as I did.

Het uitgestelde koffiemoment vond plaats in De Jonge Dame en werd georganiseerd door een vrijwilliger die elke twee weken een activiteit organiseert waarbij ze de bewoners van de noodopvang laat kennismaken met Ede (en omgeving) en haar inwoners. De Gelderlander maakte over deze activiteit een verslag dat je hier kan lezen.